Strengthening the Online Presence of Specialist Companies.

Two Emotional Image Films for the Bundesverband Garten- und Landschaftsbau.

Two Emotional Image Films for the Bundesverband Garten- und Landschaftsbau.


A cross-media online presence that directly connects garden owners with their ideal landscaping company.

Starting Point:

The Bundesverband Garten- und Landschaftsbau recognized that, despite its tradition and brand recognition, their image had become dated and needed an update. This was necessary not only to appeal to a younger and broader target audience, but also to showcase new communication channels to members and make it easier for customers to find qualified professionals.

Project Objectives:

Everyone desires a beautiful garden, but not every garden owner has the time and expertise to transform their garden into their favorite spot. That’s where the landscapers of the Bundesverband Garten- und Landschaftsbau step in. And where do people find inspiration for their own style? Online, of course. Therefore, it was crucial to increase presence across all popular channels and prioritize the search function for qualified professionals. The communication needed to become more emotional, approachable, and contemporary to ensure customers feel heard and understood.

The Outcome:

The two films offer specific thematic approaches that highlight both the variety of services and the expertise of landscape gardeners. Through successful implementation, the online presence was strengthened, providing over 4,000 small and medium-sized member companies with an innovative tool for approaching customers – all in just two shooting days! We produced a long version of approximately 1:45 minutes and derived 15- and 16-second versions in 16:9, 4:5, and 9:16 formats. Versions with and without voiceover and subtitles were created for accessibility. Various assets including bumper ads, 30-second Truplay videos, static banners for META, and website banners were generated. The CTA in the long version – “We Make It Happen” – not only makes a clear statement but also draws attention to professional landscaping companies.

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Dino Borsellino
Marcel Steybe
Head of Unit DigitalCrew/Senior Manager

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Marcel Steybe
Desiree Riedel
Project manager/producer

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