Mobile Office Radio

Die Crew AG

Mobile Office Radio


Crew’s every-day-feel-good podcast in the first lockdown


March 2020. The first lockdown. All staff at home. How to maintain a sense of solidarity, togetherness, community? And do it far from zoom meetings and whatever other kind of conference. Something personal was needed that Crew could experience together that was not work or meeting-related. Our byword is “Crew by name, crew by nature.” Our mission was to keep that promise and breathe life into it.


How to create a space where everyone could come together and where a shared daily experience, a ritual that strengthens a sense of community could develop? A virtual staff kitchen for quick chats on the fly?


A podcast. The daily pep pill for Crew’s community spirit. We came up with the idea of airing our own daily radio show, the Crew Mobile Office Radio. A daily 10-minute interview, complete with cut-down and editing. The interviews were conducted by Michael Frank, Crew co-owner, or Wolfgang Kröper, Crew creative director. The technical equipment was provided by the agency’s in-house audio department, Crew Audio. The daily podcasts were then produced in the respective home office. Upshot: counting the streams and download across all channels, the 50 or so podcasts were listened to more than 10,000 times. Further successes: Our Mobile Office Radio won a gold medal at the INKOMETA Award 2021 and a bronze at the COMM Award 2020.
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