Consumer campaign “Fair is…”
Consumer campaign “Fair is…”
Fair is when you play fair.

In recent years, Reutlingen-based electricity and gas provider FairEnergie GmbH has become a full-fledged regional energy service provider. The company is committed to developing renewable energy, produces electricity locally including hydroelectricity, and promotes culture, sport and social projects in Reutlingen and its environs.
As the company grew, it raised the bar for the standards it demanded of itself. The old tag line “Einfach näher dran [Simply closer]” only covered a part of those aspirations. The time had come to enhance and reimagine the brand presence and communication.
Our “Fair is….” campaign spotlights regionality and responsibility. Modern imagery and succinct statements explain what “fair” and “FairEnergie” stand for. The campaign was launched with a competition, an article in a consumer magazine and a radio commercial, flanked by various campaign visuals billboarded in and around Reutlingen.